Bare Rose was one of the first places that I ventured to while I was new, and I still go there on occasion. There is just so much stuff there to look through, I get overwhelmed. I was checking out some things around the TP area, and found something I have always wanted to see in SL.

Fur coats. I could never wear one IRL because they are expensive, and the thought of the poor innocent animal... no thanks. So, I wanted one in SL where they are just prims. ^^ I searched for a while, but never found one, so I had given up the idea.

BareRose Furs

Until I seen them in BareRose. OMG, I almost fell out of my chair when I seen the ad vendor for these. They looked amazing in the picture, and was definitely no different when I put it on. I love, love, love this, and I didn't want to take it off - it looked so warm, cute and totally awesome. And, omigosh, it has adorable prim bows on the front! Though, I have no idea what I would wear this too, or even what to wear it with, but, omg. I HAD to own it. Just add this to one of the weird things that I want. :P

I originally bought the Panthere Noire set, which included the black coat, but once I started looking around some more, I found the Panthere Nieige set, which came with a white coat as well as a red one. The red looked a bit too Christmas-y, so I didn't picture it. Both packages also comes with an outfit, but since I only liked the fur, I decided to only show them. ^^

What: Panthere Noire and Panthere Nieige - $160L each
Where: BareRose HQ, Bare Rose (146, 10, 30)
What Else: Hair by ETD, gown by DG Innovations. See the In-World Locations page for SLURLs!

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