When I attended the opening of Glam World, I noticed a few skins in the lobby of the Minnu shop. I debated buying them, because they were a bit dark for my taste. I went home, thought about it, and decided to get one. However - I teleported there, only to find them gone. I found out that they were a limited edition to raise money for a charity event, only available during the opening. I was bummed out that I didn't pick one up while I was there. So, you can imagine my glee when I received a notice saying that due to popular demand, they are setting them out again until Wednesday! Yay!


As soon as the grid came back online, I logged in a b-lined to Glam World. I picked up Tribal 1 and Tribal 4. I couldn't decide which one I wanted. Knowing that these will go away after Wednesday, and never come back, I allowed myself to pick up two instead of just one. I went home and tried them on. I was right - they were a little dark for me, but thats okay. While I probably won't wear these every day, they will most likely have their occasions.


These do have the amazing features that I like from Minnu skins, so I don't really think I need to go into detail there. I do love the makeups on these, however odd that may seem. Again, it isn't something I would wear all the time - but I enjoy having them in my collection.

If you want to get these skins - you need to do so by Wednesday. After that, they will be gone.

What: Tribal 1 - $1200L, Tribal 4 - $1200L
Where: Minnu Model Skins, Glam World (194. 182, 30)

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  1. gravatar

    just posted an update on my post on the glam show. do you know if the proceeds for the sale of these skins (outside of the show) go to the charity?

  2. I went back and re-read the notice that was sent out to the Minnu group when they re-released the skins, and it does seem like they will continue to donate to the charity. However, I'm not really entirely sure about that anymore. I think I'll contact someone at Minnu about that, because I am curious as well. Thanks for bringing that up to me. ^_^