Okay, yes. I am odd. Last night, I fell in love with the little black fuzzy headband pictured here on Sherpa Davies blog entry. I hopped all over the grid to find it, but couldn't. Her description of where it came from was vague, and I couldn't find the update group she talked about. And me - being as shy as I am, feared IM'ing her or posting a comment. After an hour of hunting though, I decided it was time to ask Fashion Emergency where to find it. They pointed me to Chapeau Tres Mignon, which happened to be the first place I had checked - and didn't see it.

So, I went back and still couldn't find it. Then I had a sudden flashback from when I attended the Chapeau Tres Mignon opening a while ago. They had given out a gift there that I picked up, but never got the chance to look at. So - I hunted that down in my inventory and... yep, it was what I was searching for. I'd had it all along. I figured since I spent so much time hunting for this adorable piece of prim work, I'm going to blog it.

Lagerfeld Headband

I can not even describe in words how cute this headband is. Its fuzzy, has ribbons, and its total love. It definitely made my hour of useless hunting worth every minute. I am unsure how you can get it now, because I happened to find it only at the opening of Chapeau Tres Mignon. I never want to take this headband off!

What: Lagerfeld Headband
Where: Unknown, but the creator's shop is Chapeau Tres Mignon, Dreamworld East (184,194, 21).

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