Apr 10

Ok, I will be honest - when Siyu Suen from Illusions announced she was working on new drow/elven/pixie ears, I was only curious. I have never owned ears like that before, and thought it was kind of cute. The longer she took to get them out, the more I found myself thinking of them, and wanting a pair. And when she *finally* released them yesterday, I had no idea just how much I would fall for them.

It shocks me sometimes the things Siyu is capable of. She has made me - a simple avatar who was simply curious about these ears - into an avatar who can not live without them. Seriously, you will be seeing a lot of me with these ears - because they are now glued to my skull. ^.^

Plain Ears - Normal Skin

The options that these come in are just mind boggling. Shown here in the Plain style is all of the ear versions in the skin tone "Tan", which matches pretty well to my own. They are all scripted, with options to match to all different skin tones, ranging from the bizarre skin tones of TRAP's, to Nomine, as well as common ones such as Fleur. Siyu has put in tons of work with these, and it definitely shows.

Plain Ears - Fleur Skin

Here is a second picture, with another favorite skin of mine, to show just how versatile and how close of a match you can get. I am using the a skin from Fleur's Shojo line here, with the tone of the ears to "Blush". There is a tiny difference in tones in both of them - but, you really have to look for it to really notice ^.^ And, for the amount of tones she offers with these - covering all the major drow skins.... its amazing to get this close a match. :D

Pierced Ears

Now time for my favorites!! OMG, these are what made me fall out of my chair for. These are scripted as well, both the tones and the jewelry. O_O Yes, you can change the color of your skin, AND match the jewelry to whatever you want to wear. Something like that... is totally amazing. And omg - just LOOK at them! They are phenomenal, and I can only imagine how must work it must have been to make each sculptie piercing, and place them so strategically. My mind boggles. Anyway - shown here is the Abyssal Ears, Punky Ears, as well as my personal favorite: the Mystic Ears. (I adore those drooping chains!)

If you can't find the tone you want, she even offers custom toning for a mere $50L. For a custom tone - thats pretty darn cheap. And of course - I *had* to take advantage of this, I've already sent my notecard in to her for my custom tones :D She makes it simple and painless too - she includes a notecard in the box explaining how to do it ^.^

What: Plain Ears - $175L each, Abyssal Ears - $475L, Mystic Ears - $475L, Punky Ears - $475L (Demos are available)
Where: Illusions, Carnivale (209, 91, 33)
What Else: Hair by ETD, necklace by KessKreations, top by D!FF. See the In-World Locations page for SLURLs.

BTW: Illusions is also having a retirement sale - which includes her first edition ears! Look for my post on the sale over the weekend - I picked up some awesome goodness ^.^

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