Mar 26

This gift from Deviance is absolutely adorable, I just *had* to blog about it. To get it, just go to the store and look for a little yellow star. ^^


Wearing: Outfit by Deviance, hair by Maeva (previous group gift), feets by SLink, jewelry by Violet Voltaire. See the In-World Locations page for where to buy information.

Mar 20

Day 6 of my Sai's Favorites from RFL Clothing Fair 2009 - is the last I have, and happens to be my favorite of all. Alienbear's Kielo, and her RFL $5L gifts, Zivanit.

I am total suck at taking pictures of jewelry, so please bear with my bad pictures xD


Shown above is the Keilo set, and comes with both necklace, and earrings. Totally pretty!


If there was one item I suggest -everyone- pick up, is this Zivanit set. I believe the necklace was $5L, and the earrings were to be bought separately, but the same price. So, you would pay $10L total for this fantastic necklace/earring set. Definitely don't leave the fair without grabbing it.

Alienbear's booth can be found on sim 2, The Caspian Sea (127, 131, 23).

And that concludes my Favorites from the Clothing Fair. I hope it helped some people decide what to buy. If not, I tried. :D My normal LOTD posts will continue shortly!

Mar 19

Day 5 of my favorites from the RFL Clothing Fair series - Evie's Closet. I blogged the group gift outfit a few days ago - but I couldn't resist grabbing the purple RFL version as well.

Also, the hair pin is included in the Clothing Fair hunt - so be sure to grab it while you are there! I believe there are 19 treasure chests on all 9 sims. And, before you panic, this color change hair pin makes it very worth it. :D


Evie's Closet booth is located on sim 2, The Caspian Sea (127, 131, 23).

Mar 19

Day 4 of my RFL Clothing Fair favorites brings Nyte'N'Day's Hike. This wasn't set up when I went the first time, so I went back today and picked it up while I was there :D


Nyte'N'Day's booth is located on sim 2, The Caspian Sea (127, 131, 23).

Mar 17

Day 3 of my favorites from the 2009 RFL Clothing fair brings this adorable Pashmina Scarf from Adam n Eve.


Adam n Eve's booth is located on sim 5, Gift Of Life (130, 135, 23).

Mar 16

Day two of my favorites from this year's RFL Clothing Fair is League's Winged Hope. And, the stockings were included with the dress. :D


The RFL event is up and running, and League's booth can be found on sim 3, The Persian Gulf (128, 130, 23).

Mar 15

I got a extremely lucky chance to check out the RFL sims today, and I ran around and swiped up everything I could, as fast as I could. I am currently extremely happy, equipped with fantastic limited edition items from a good portion of my favorite designers, and a boatload of freebies. So, I want to spend this week highlighting some of my favorites from this year's Relay For Life Clothing Fair.

Day one - is Analise's Marishka. I secretly love these "harem" type outfits (I think that's the right word?), they are so beautiful, so I bee-lined to Analise to pick this up when I got to the clothing fair.


The RFL Clothing Fair event opens its doors tomorrow morning at 10am SLT. So when it opens, remember that Analise is located on the 3rd sim: The Persian Gulf (128, 130, 23). Also remember to take off attachments and scripted items before you go to cut down on some of the lag. ^^

Mar 13

My look for the past day. I also used this look for my blog header, as my updated look without elf ears and with my new skin.


Wearing: Hat found free on XStreetSL here, hair by Aden (heavily modified), top by Mischief, shorts by League, stockings by LeeZu Baxter, boots by Shiny Things, necklace by Cailyn's. See the In-World Locations page for where to buy information.

Mar 11

Another look I wore around the grid, based around the new awesome shoes by Redgrave. I tried many accessories with this look, but couldn't really find anything that I liked together.


Wearing: Dress by Aoharu, hair by Zero Style, shoes by Redgrave. See the In-World Locations page for where to buy information.

Mar 09

I couldn't help myself when this adorable dress came out from the new Evie's Closet group. Its so cute!


Wearing: hair by Truth, dress and hair piece by Evie's Closet, necklace and earrings by Ume Mode, poses by Imperial Elegance. See the In-World Locations page for where to buy information.

Mar 03

Kind of a plain look today, but I thought it was really cute, and possibly great for some laid back shopping.


Wearing: Hair by Truth, necklace by Scarlia Inc., top by PixelDolls (part of the $50L sale happening now), pants by Last Call (no longer available), shoes by Periquita. See the In-World Locations page for where to buy information.

Mar 02

Hai guys! I could not resist the call of the new Truth hair and new Gala skins. My look using them is this:


Wearing: Coat by Cubic Effect, shirt by Armidi, jeans by Aleri Darkes, boots by J's, hair with hat by Truth, belt by Maitreya. See the In-World Locations page for where to buy information.