Lots of stuffs to do this weekend~! With Halloween quickly approaching, there are many shops doing pumpkin hunts, and having awesome sales. I have attended a few lately, and I'll continue to list some here for those of you readers who are interested.


The one I was totally excited about - the Deviant Kitties Pumpkin Hunt. If you know me in-world, or have been reading my blog often, you probably know that I fangirl over anything to do with Deviant Kitties. Well, when I heard that they were having a pumpkin hunt, that teleport button couldn't appear fast enough. I hurried down there, and started the hunt. There are 16 pumpkins hidden all over the sim - but none are underground. I have pictured several items found in the hunt: the skirt, the legwarmers, shoes, shirt, guitar, hair and even the skin. There were also more items that I didn't picture... several hairs, and even a couple stuffed bears! Totally cool. The pumpkins are tiny and can get extremely frustrating to find, but its worth it. Deviant Kitties is awesome. This hunt continues until October 31st. SLURL: Deviant Kitties, Deviant Kitties (36, 53, 25)


The next hunt was at Calla. Throughout this sim are boxes of hair in "Pumpkin Packs". These are hair in varying shades of pumpkin colors. The boxes are pretty large, but don't let that fool you - they are well hidden. Out of 24 boxes, I found 17. However - I did find quite a bit of duplicate hair packs in separate boxes. I wonder if that was intentional? SLURL: Calla, Callatropia (125, 194, 24)


Yay~ Aitui is having a sale~ I personally think Aitui has the best tattoos in SecondLife. So, I was thrilled when I heard they were having a sale to discontinue some items, so they can make room for new ones. The deals at Aitui are difficult to pass up. I believe this sale ends at the end of November, so you have time to take advantage of this sale. Also - some of the men's skins are included in this sale. SLURL: Aitui, Aitui (129, 129, 27)


Next: Diverity Hair's 50% Off Natural Hair Sale. I can honestly say that I've never had a hair from this shop prior to the sale. They have some amazing looking textures on their hair, almost as good as Armidi's. Their sale is on their natural hair packs and are as low as $150L~ SLURL: Diversity Hair, Dacham (94, 147, 46)

So, I guess thats all I have for you guys tonight. Have a sale you want me to check out? Feel free to send me an in-world IM, drop me a notecard, or simply comment on one of my entries. Good lucking hunting, and happy shopping~ ^_^

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